United Nations Foundation
A new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Solidarity Response Fund will raise money from a wide range of donors to support the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund, the first-of-its-kind, enables private individuals, corporations and institutions anywhere in the world to come together to directly contribute to global response efforts, and has been created by the United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, together with WHO.
International Medical Corps
International Medical Corps, in partnership with the W.H.O, is leveraging its relationships with local and national ministries of health in more than 30 countries to provide expertise, equipment, training, and triage and treatment services. They are focused on regions where the disease has spread or where populations and health systems are particularly vulnerable. The International Medical Corps teams are already in conversations with responders in Florida (where they have a memorandum of understanding with the state Department of Health), as well as in California and North Carolina, and are expanding their reach to additional at-risk states. They are also coordinating response efforts to support organizations working at the US/Mexico border, where screening and medical services are limited. International Medical Corps will expand its training programs to include the deployment of surge capacity and medical support teams as needed.
Center For Disaster Philanthropy
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) has launched the CDP COVID-19 Response Fund to support preparedness, containment, response and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders. The Fund will focus on supporting local nonprofit organizations working in areas identified as having high numbers of affected individuals and those who are working with the most vulnerable populations in these areas to help build their capacity for response. These will include social service organizations focused on supporting hourly wage earners, workers in the gig economy, immigrant/New American populations, older adults, people with disabilities and other communities vulnerable to the physical health, mental health and economic impacts of the pandemic.
Americares is responding to the crisis by educating the public about the virus, processing requests for assistance and sourcing personal protective equipment to protect health workers most at risk. As a global organization, they are working closely with their international offices in preparation should they need to launch simultaneous responses in multiple countries. Americares is providing personal protective equipment and training health workers on the frontlines of the outbreak. Americares is also supplying protective equipment to partner clinics in California, New York, Texas and Washington state. Additional international and domestic shipments are planned. They are also prepared to mobilize medical personnel to provide surge support for overwhelmed health facilities, if needed.